Owl Digital Services LLC

how to write email marketing lists

What Do You Need To Know About Email Marketing?

Let’s talk about a popular, effective strategy that has been used since the beginning of internet marketing. Email marketing is the use of emails to communicate with customers, maintain a business reputation and promote your products and services.

Better yet, email marketing campaigns can help your business connect with potential clients. It’s a great way to offer value to your audience. It gives them access to deals, programs, and tools that could truly help them.

Refining a solid email service in your marketing routine is a direct way to reach business goals. Think of it like sending physical mail to people who need your service in their community. Except it’s not physical mail that could likely go overlooked or thrown in the trash. You can use email marketing by sending emails with multiple links, resources, and targeted categories of interest for different customers. The options are endless.

Isn’t This Type of Marketing Irrelevant Now?

Some people in the marketing world claim that email marketing is on its way out, or that it’s become irrelevant.
Is this true?
Definitely not!

why use email marketing

People use email now more than ever before. The age range of humans using email on a daily basis is far wider than it was only ten years ago.

Although yes, social media is increasingly popular today, more people use email than social media platforms. A study done at HostPapa found that:

  • The number of people on the internet use email 30% more than social media.
  • Emails are easier to personalize. As a result, readers feel more trusting of your offer.
  • 75% of adults online say they enjoy email offers over ads.
  • The subscribe/ unsubscribe options allows the CUSTOMER to decide.
  • Social media has less formatting options.
  • Certain email campaigns can target the demographics relevant to your business. 

increase ROI with email marketing

There’s a huge advantage of email over social media. Prospects and customers are more likely to see an email than a social media post.

Posting something on Instagram doesn’t mean that everyone you want to see your message will see it. Your post might not even show up in your targets’ social media streams. However, an email will sit in the inbox until it’s read (or deleted).

Do You Need An Email Marketing Strategy?

If you’re a small business or service based company, YES. Small businesses sometimes don’t compete with larger companies or online stores. Your shot at being the first result on Google search is slim.

But with an effective marketing strategy in place (including email!) you can still outgrow your competitors– locally and beyond.

Even the smallest startups can grow beyond their ROI goals. In the same way, larger companies can use marketing automation like email marketing to maintain awareness.

Every brand needs its loyal customers and fans. To keep the personal relationship going, emails are a simple, low-cost, and trustworthy format of continued communication. People don’t like spammy emails. People want informative, personalized, helpful emails and newsletters.

How Marketing Through Your Email List WORKS:

If you’re still unsure about the benefits of email-based marketing, here’s why you should grow your email list!

  • Email is the most low-cost form of online marketing out there. You don’t need to buy ads or pay to grow your reach.
  • Email marketing keeps your brand awareness up to date. Whenever there’s updates or major changes to an aspect of your company, email newsletters let every in on the change!
  • It helps you grow your reach. Those who subscribe to your email list obviously find value (or potential) in your business. Therefore, you’re already increasing revenue by maintaining outreach with an audience who wants to hear from you.
  • Your website will get more traffic. With every promotion, sale, update, blog post, and newsletter, you’re growing click-through rates to your website for free. Easy, right?
  • Generally, the marketing world estimates that for every $1 put into email marketing, an average or $43 is returned.

benefits of email marketing

How Do You Start?

To start a solid email marketing strategy, here are a few things you’ll need.

Set goals.

What do you want to do most with email marketing? Get more clients? Promote new products? A little bit of everything? Create a plan, do your research, and start talking strategy with your marketing team. 

Generate an email list.

If you’ve been around for any good amount of time, you likely have an email list going already. That’s great! Now it’s time to take it one step further and gather more email signups. Even if you have zero subscribers and want to start from scratch, you can get emails (organically) by: 

  • Website opt-ins: have a “Subscribe to our email list” on multiple pages on your site. This way, users can give you their email. 
  • Free resources: “Download our free e-book!” where visitors put their email to receive the resource. 
  • Giveaways: people can enter a giveaway if they give their name, email, and business info. Make sure you actually choose someone at random at the end of the giveaway who will win free stuff! 
  • Grow your blog: When people comment on your blog, they have to input their name & email. On most platforms this is optional, so they have consent if they want to be on the email list. 
  • Call to action buttons: Include CTA buttons on your website that keep people’s emails. 
  • Contact forms: contact forms on your site keep track of emails, so keep those. 
  • Subscriber specials: offer special discounts or exclusive material when people opt in to sign up to your newsletter. 
  • The list goes on– get creative and learn more ideas by doing more studying. 

email marketing strategy

Create your email campaigns.

Once you start creating campaigns, decide which you want to focus on first. Of course, you can always launch all of them, if you’re ambitious: 

  • Newsletter
  • Announcements
  • Events/Special Trainings
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Remarketing (keeping in touch with potential customers interested in your service, but not quite ready to commit)
Track the results.

After launching, it’s crucial to use tools like Google Ads to keep track of your email marketing results. 

Want To Learn More? 

Remember, when you give value, you’ll get value. This is our goal with marketing through email! Experts at OwlSEM love to help businesses with internet marketing. Reach out to us today or schedule a free strategy session if you want to learn more. We are happy to help you level up your email marketing game.


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